Europa Asien Entwicklungs-Initiative (hereafter EAEI)

A-2500 Baden bei Wien


ZVR: 169281125

Responsible for content:
Obmann-Stellvertreter and any other appointed person and/or organisation as required.

Information / General Terms and Conditions /Data protection:

I. When you browse our page

General: We provide you with this page, ensure it stays secure and get an anonymous statistic of visitors. Page language is English, for any legal communication or processing Austrian German language is required and is the only language accepted.
Purpose: We process your personal data for two purposes: (A) to provide this page to you (“traffic data” such as your IP address) and (B) to use your personal data for ensuring the security of the page.
Storage: (A) Traffic data is not stored. (B) Security log data (e.g. when the software identifies an “incident”) are deleted within a period as required by law, unless there is a particular reason to keep information for a longer period of time (e.g. individual IP addresses are blocked).
Legal Basis: (A) Your consent to receive our page and (B) our legitimate interests (for security reasons we process personal information, IP addresses, on this page) in maintaining the security of our page and fulfilling our legal duty to keep the page secure.
Processors: If necessary we may use trustworthy processors that only process your personal data on our behalf (“processors”). The particular provider may be subject to change over time. Currently all our core systems, including our website, are hosted on our own servers.
Statistics: In addition to the processing above, we run a statistics system that does not process any personal data.

II. Additional processing when you become a member or supporting member or donor:

Summery: In addition to the processing described under (I.), we process the data that is necessary for managing your specific EAEI membership, such as administering payments and mailings.
More Details:
If you become a member of any kind (member, supporting member or donor) we store the data (electronically and/or physically) you have provided in the online forms.
If you join offline by using paper forms and/or other means of communication,  we process the collected data and store them electronically and/or physically. The applicants have no legal right to the offline membership application process, due administrative efforts it can only be used if agreed by a board member on a case by case decision. If you joined offline further changes of your membership can only be made exclusively via email to We generate a member ID number once you join. If you join online we store your IP address, time stamp and/or other data for reasons of fraud prevention.  We keep a record of any changes you make to your membership data to be able to manage the account. This data is only stored in order to manage your form membership (the contract between us).
Purpose: The management of your membership and for updates via email or postal service (the latter only if we or law require it)
Storage:  If you become a EAEI member, your information is kept for the duration of your membership. For any change or
termination of your membership Austrian laws and regulations apply, in regards of keeping and deleting data. For the change or termination and payment periods and other aspects of your membership the latest statutes of EAEI apply. There may be other individual situations or exceptional legitimate interests that would require us to process your personal data further.
Legal Basis: In order to enter into and continue performing the contract between our members and us, legal obligations resulting from your membership, and our legitimate interests.
Legitimate Interests: For reasons of fraud prevention we process personal information (IP addresses) and may process any of your data in cases of legal disputes stemming from a membership.
Processors: We may use trustworthy processors that only process your personal data on our behalf (“processors”). The particular provider may be subject to change over time.
Payment Providers: If you choose to pay via credit card or other online payment methods you will be forwarded to the page of our  and/or your relevant payment providers that are not under our control.
For bank transfers our relevant bank will process the data as they require by law and/or their regulations and conditions, which are not under our control.

III. Additional Processing when you share our page on external networks or follow links

We cannot really guarantee other people’s or organisations compliance. If you click on any button that allows you to share our page or follow a link to a third party page, you will be
redirected to this other page – you are then subject to the privacy policy, terms and conditions of this third party.

IV. Copyright

All content on EAEI that we have created is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution and Non-Commercial Licence (CC BY-NC 3.0), unless indicated otherwise. This means you can use content from EAEI if you do not make a profit from it or use it in commercial settings, and if you refer to us as “EAEI Austria” with a time stamp when you extracted the information/imagines in a well visible manner directly next to our content where you are using it. Content we use under a third party license is requiring the relevant creator/owner’s consent for your reuse.

V. Terms and conditions, statutes

Upon visiting our page  you fully agree to our general terms and conditions as listed on this page. If donating to EAEI or joining us in any form of membership you additionally agree to our statutes in their latest valid version and the terms & conditions for donors, members and sponsors in their latest valid version. All terms and conditions as well as the statutes of EAEI can be subject to change without prior notice. The statues can be requested by members and supporting members.